Hyperbaric Oxygen Boosts PD-1 Antibody Delivery and T Cell Infiltration for Augmented Immune Responses Against Solid Tumours
Hyperbaric Oxygen Boosts PD-1 Antibody Delivery and T Cell Infiltration for Augmented Immune Responses Against Solid Tumours
Survival outcomes of metabolically supported chemotherapy combined with ketogenic diet, hyperthermia, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy in advanced gastric cancer
The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome – it may decrease the severity of symptoms and increase life quality
Mechanistic Rationale and Clinical Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Chronic Neuropathic Pain: An Evidence-Based Narrative Review
A randomised trial of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for ulcerative colitis patients hospitalised for moderate to severe flares
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can improve post concussion syndrome years after mild traumatic brain injury
The National Brain Injury Rescue and Rehabilitation Study – a multicenter observational study of hyperbaric oxygen for mild traumatic brain injury with post-concussive symptoms
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for COVID-19 patients with respiratory distress: treated cases versus propensity-matched controls
Demonstration report on inclusion of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in treatment of COVID-19 severe cases
Combining infliximab, anti-MAP and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for resistant fistulizing Crohn’s disease